Overhang Lights: The Lights to Make Your Home Stand Out

An image of overhang lights.

Overhand lights are coming back into style. This article will break down the different types of overhang lights and where to put them.

3 min read

Overhang lights are making a come back when installing soffits on the exterior of your home. If you are in the process of installing soffit and exterior soffit lights, then read on! We will dig into what the different types of overhang lights are and where to put them.

What are Overhang Lights?

Overhang lights are the lights that are installed within an overhang. These lights can be alongside the exterior of your home, on your desk, or front porch.

As many people install soffit around the exterior of their home, overhang lights help illuminate the outside in an attractive and natural-looking way.

The Popularity of Lighting Soffits

Because of the ability to place it within soffit, this form os lighting is becoming popular amongst decorators and contractors.

When choosing the right lights for the interior of your home, it is important to relate the lighting trends on the outside of your home as well.

Soffits and soffit lighting can be beneficial for maintaining the exterior of your home. Soffits, especially on the exterior of your home, assist in keeping away pests, the longevity of your rain gutters, and providing better ventilation.

These benefits bid well with lighting soffits, as the increased ventilation and placement of the soffits can assist in more appealing and natural lighting of any exterior overhangs.

Types of Outdoor Soffit Lights

Most outdoor soffit lights are LED lights, but you can choose different styles of lightbulbs to use for your overhang lights. It is important to note that outdoor lighting is different from indoor lighting.

When choosing lights, it is important to take note of how hot them may get, and if they are ideal for the outdoors, and outdoor weather, as well as repelling any unwanted insects.

Overhang lights make choosing the bulbs easier, as the ventilation from the soffit structure helps make overhang lights safer from getting overheated or ruined from any outdoor weather.

Can you see the (soffit) light?

Soffit lighting is a very popular, and easy Do-It-Yourself project. it is even easier if you already have soffits installed.

More people are turning towards the (overhang) lights at the end of the tunnel. They are easy to install on your own, and safe to use on the outside of your home.

Installing overhang lights is also a great way to make your house look nicer. This is called curb appeal.

Choosing the right style, and amount of lighting for your home should not be a difficult task. If you already have soffit, or are in the process of installing it in or around your home, consider overhang lights.

To find out more about how to install soffit, and exterior soffit lights, make sure to check out our blog. We offer tips about soffit installation and the latest trends in home design, lighting, as well as sliding and doggy doors too!

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