Signs It's Time to Replace Your Downspouts

An image of downspouts.

Worried that your downspouts are becoming worn out? Then you should check out our complete guide to installing your own downspouts.

4 min read

Downspouts are a lifesaver for your home. They're designed to work hand in hand with gutters to catch and disperse any collected rainwater far away from your home, protecting your house and its foundation. That being said, protecting your house from rain damage is a big job, and eventually, it takes a toll on your downspout. When that happens, the damages the downspout incurs make it much harder for it to do the job properly, meaning your home will no longer be protected.

When this happens, it's time to install new gutter downspouts into your home. This article will tell you about some of the signs it's time to replace your downspout. Keep reading to find out more!

Your Downspouts Have a Leaking Problem

What good is a water catcher that can't even catch water? No good at all, that's what.

On a rainy day, you may have noticed that your downspout is leaking water out of places it shouldn't. There's a very good chance that you have rust building up in that area, and that's causing the spout to be ineffective at its job.

If you see this problem, a new downspout is definitely a go.

Cracks Run Along the Spout

unlike rust, cracks can be caused by a number of things: the sun could naturally wear away at the downspout, the environment is causing it to break down, it could be damaged by pesky critters, or it could be a combination of these things.

In any case, like a spout full of rust, a downspout with cracks can't hold water effectively, leaving openings in your home's defense. It's been real, but at this point, it's time for a change.

You Move Into an Older Home

Whenever you move into an older house, you always want to make maintenance checks on everything inside and outside your house and swap the old with the new. One place you definitely want to do that is your downspouts.

Make sure to have a professional replace your old spouts before they even get a chance to cause trouble.

You Notice Siding Damage

Even if the spout itself isn't messed up, you need to check your house to see if it is. The siding surrounding your downspout should be in mint condition, and if you see water damage there, you know that's a sure sign your spout has failed you.

There's Damage to Your Foundation

Damage to your home's foundation is quite simply a no-no. Everything about your house rests on the foundation remaining solid and strong. If it fails, your house runs a high risk of collapsing - and you may be in it if that occurs.

If you see foundation damage, have it taken care of ASAP and throw the failing downspout across the hill.

The Professional Services You Need

Now that you know what signs to look for when it comes to replacing your downspout, you need to know where to go to buy affordable and reliable gutter downspouts and have them installed by professionals that you can trust. We're the right ones for the job.

At Soffit, we pride ourselves in going the extra mile for all of our clients by making sure they get everything they need when they need it. We have a wide selection of gutters and downspouts, as well as helpful tools and knowledge to help you choose and care for your spouts.

Ready to get started? We're ready to help. Check out our site to find out more about what we can do for you. We'll make sure to protect your humble abode!

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